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Important Information
Terms & Conditions
Max fencing height is 5ft, gating at entrance is 4ft
Paddock is surrounded by stock wire
Play areas within the paddock are handmade and secure for dog use only.
Approx 1.2 acres
Important things to be aware of:
1. We are located of a lane which does have some heavy vehicles pass through as well as horse riders, cyclists and other dog walkers, please drive with caution.
2. There are horses in the field nearby, they cannot reach the fencing.
3. We have CCTV on the premises.
1. Entering/Leaving the fields
As the booker and dog owner(s), you must make judgment yourself on whether the paddock is suitable for your dog(s), fencing height, proximity to road, canal, other animals, etc
Please do not arrive early for your booking and please do not leave late. Your booking is for 50 minutes only. We have allowed 10 minutes between bookings to allow free flow of traffic in and out of the car park, to avoid congestion on the access road and for management to carry out inspections.
Under no circumstances is the gate to be left open for anyone else at anytime.
On arrival, the gate from Cartwright Lane is shut but not locked, please pull up to this, carefully open the gate, drive in and park. Before letting your dog out the vehicle please shut this gate behind you.
Your dog(s) MUST remain on a lead in the carpark area and until they go through the second small gate into the actual paddock. The area you enter after the carpark is not secure so dogs must remain on leads.
You will need to input the code you would of had emailed to you on your confirmation email sent 24 hours before your booking. Please be careful with the locks and ensure on leaving these are replaced and locked.
When leaving please carefully shut the main gate, do not leave this open.
2. Your Booking
Bookings can only be made via our website at where you will be required to submit some details and agree to terms and conditions. For any booking requirements not listed on our page please contact us and we will look to accommodate.
Any problems when making a booking can be reported to us via email, what’s app, or private message on our Facebook page – Bridge Paddocks Secure Dog Walking.
Your booking is 50 minutes long only. Please do not arrive early for your booking and please do not leave late.
If you arrive late for your booking, you cannot extend your allotted time; you must still leave on time ie 10 to the hour.
You must not allow anyone else to enter the paddock, even if you are leaving. Please ensure you fit the coded lock once you leave.
Bookings are non-transferrable. The person making the booking must be present and ensure anyone attending with them also agrees and abides by these terms and conditions, by bringing them on site they are agreeing to this.
Please do not bring more dogs than you have booked for without informing us. Additional dogs can be added but must be paid for in advance.
No sub lettings of the field is permitted. For anyone wishing to hire it on a professional basis or bringing a trainer with them must speak to management before making their booking (this may benefit you!)
3. Maintenance/ Inside the Fields
ALL visitors must pick updog poo after their dog(s) have used the fields. We have provided some bins and bags for you to use. There is also two general waste bins near the entrance. Please do not leave any litter in the paddock and surrounding area, use the bins provided or take it home.
Please do not allow children or dogs to climb the fences, any damage must be reported and paid for.
Please discourage dogs from digging the grass. Our fences and ground are checked regularly to ensure safety and security.
Smoking and vaping is strictly prohibited. Anyone doing so will be asked to leave and will be banned from future use. Any sessions already booked in will not be refunded.
Water is available, but not from an instant source. If your dog drinks a lot please bring some with you in case it has ran out.
Climbing obstacles, & play areas are available in the paddock for you dogs enjoyment, please do not allow any adults or children to climb on these.
4. Payment
Payment can only be made via the website. Refunds are not available, only transfers which will only be given if you cancel more than 24 hours prior to your booked time. Anything less than 24 hours will not be refunded or transferred. Agreement & Payment must be made before attending if you need to add another dog to your booking.
5. Cancellation Policy
24 hours notice is required for all cancellations, these cannot be refunded. Only rebooked by contacting us or logging into your account.
6. Liability
No responsibility will be taken by the land owner for damage or for any injury sustained to property, individuals or animals whilst using the paddock or on any part of the property. Certain areas are out of bounds to all users and entering these areas is trespassing and the user will be banned without refund for booking or any future bookings. Under no circumstances are these areas to be entered. If you need anything retrieving you are to contact the owners who will do so for you.
Equipment in the field is for DOG USE ONLY,. Any damage caused through miss-use must be reported and paid for. Any Injuries sustained is responsibility of the booker/dog owner. Children are not permitted to use this and are responsible for by the adult in attendance.
All vehicles parked on the property are left entirely at the owners risk. No responsibility for damage or accidents will be taken by Bridge Paddocks. Any breakages or damage to the field and fences will be paid for by the dog owner. Dog owners must ensure they do not bring their dog if they are sick or have a infectious disease.
We only retain your contact details in the event of needing to contact you regarding your booking. This information is not used for any other purpose nor be shared to any other parties.